Who would I be without my food/weight problems?

This week on IG I posed the question: who would you be if you stopped worrying about food?

Mic drop.

Great question, right?

I remember when I first heard that while I was going through recovery. It hit me like a ton of bricks: so much of my identity is wrapped up in my struggles with food.

I am the person who can’t control themselves around food.

I’m the person that needs to check every morning if she’s “safe” in her body or if she gained weight and has to control better.

I’m the person that food is NEVER “easy” for.

Until I realized... this identity was so deeply ingrained in me, how could I shift it?

Diet culture likes to tell us that there’s something wrong with us the way we are: that we need an outside source like a diet plan, a trainer, a nutritionist, to save us from ourselves.

But what if the way out of this place was actually a search within?
What if we are “stuck” here because somehow...it’s serving us?

The powerful work I do with clients centers around these deep dives. 

When we can understand WHY the actions we take and why thought processes we develop are there, what benefit they are giving us, then we can actually start to digest and shift them.

So, if I understand why I may be reluctant, subconsciously, to change who I am, then I can work through that barrier and start to change.

Who would I be without worrying about food?

Someone who trusts herself to make decisions. Someone who feels comfortable in her own skin. Someone who maybe has to then focus on the other issues in her life that feel a little more complicated than calorie counting?

Lots to explore here!