
In just 7 weeks Natalie has completely helped me change my relationship with food, dieting, and bingeing. If you’re at all hesitant to try, just do this. It’s the best money I’ve honestly ever spent. My only regret is not doing this work sooner. I’m so much more relaxed around food, feel more intuitive and listen to my own needs, and have so much more kindness for myself. Natalie is one of a kind: such a cheerleader, beyond wise and brilliant, and one of the most thoughtful and kind people. It’s not just weekly coaching, I reach out whenever I’m having a bad day and Natalie knows just how to help give me the tools to turn it around. I can’t even begin to explain the positive impact she’s had on my life, because if you’re like me, how I feel about my body and the shame I feel around food is all consuming. Natalie has changed that. -A.L.

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Natalie ZisesComment

Doing Free From Bingeing program has affected my life in many ways, both big and small!

In the simplest ways it's allowed me to be so much more present in those moments shared with family and friends. Before starting the program, I was always thinking about food and would bring all my own meals to family gatherings. Now I can enjoy the same foods as my partner, and we can actually cook meals together - something that seems trivial but brings SO much joy. Life is just easier!

On a bigger scale, I've learned that dieting goes against all my values and stands in the way of the person I want to be. I am deserving of so much more than what diet culture would have us believe, and I am SO much more than just my body.

Since the start of the program, my relationship with food has become so much more peaceful...I am no longer tied to "rules" about what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. Learning to embrace my hunger and listen to what "feels good" in my body has been such a fun way to be curious about what foods my body needs and wants, and honor both those things equally.

Hands down, the best part is the group calls! Listening and sharing with others who have shared similar experiences and stories is so powerful. Knowing you're not alone and can talk things through in real time in a safe space, is a game-changer.

Thinking back to all the money I've spent on trying to change my body, this was a fraction of those costs and has already paid itself back in full.

Natalie's style is relaxed, comforting and engaging. You always feel as though you're talking things through with a dear friend; someone who is supportive and empathetic, and will never judge you. Natalie makes you feel safe and heard.

I am excited to live life knowing that I am a powerful bad ass b*&%! and can do anything I damn well please! THIS IS MY LIFE!


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Natalie ZisesComment

I wanted to do Free From Bingeing and the Inner Circle to heal my relationship with my body. I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to go through the course and to look at things I have refused to look at within myself. I knew my sisters both did it and had a lot of healing.

The program has made me so much more compassionate, grateful and caring toward my self, less crazy and more curious and excited around food, and the connection with the other women was so powerful. I feel less restricted in my decisions and more open in all areas of my life.

Natalie is intuitive, kind, and warm. She is such an incredible energy and shares hard truths with warm and fun. No judgement and open with whatever she says and to hear what anyone has to say. You are incredible Natalie!


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Natalie ZisesComment

I was anxious about signing up for the Free From Bingeing Inner Circle because of the cost…but I knew I needed help to end my bingeing and I couldn’t do it alone. I haven’t binged in months! I’m eating foods that I want to and love my body more than I ever have. Overall I’m so much more at peace with my body and who I am, and way less crazy about food. Natalie is super relaxed and open, she’s such a loving guide to have on this journey. I loved the curriculum, the calls, it’s so amazing to be a part of such a beautiful community. It really is amazing that you can be free from Bingeing.

- -Celia

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Natalie ZisesComment

I joined the Inner Circle to find freedom from my ever painful relationship with food and bingeing. I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't be able to handle even talking about food and my body, and I'll be honest that I still wanted to lose weight.

This program has been revolutionary for me...I now get to ask my body 'what do you want to eat? what are you hungry for?" and get a very clear answer. I cut out the painful hours of ruminating and denying self only to end up bingeing.

Natalie's coaching is loving, compassionate, comprehensive, incisive and bold. Natalie is not just a coach but a spiritual leader who opens up the world of both food and self love.

I love that i have this body of resources, both literally and in the other women from the group and Natalie-to continue to explore my relationship with myself through curiosity and compassion.

Few Investments have been more meaningful. I feel the ROI here will keep paying off for the rest of my life. If you are called to it, you are ready! Trust yourself.

- M.J.

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Sarah C

I wanted to do the Free From Bingeing Inner Circle because I was ready to stop bingeing and have a healthier relationship to food and body.

My biggest anxiety was that the content wouldn't resonate with me, and that it wouldn't get to the root cause of the lifelong struggle I've had and that nothing will change (don't worry, that's not the case!!)

This program has helped me get in tune with my needs, helped me sharpen my intuition, and have more compassion for myself and others!

I'm definitely feeling so much less "crazy" around food! (and thinking about it a lot less).

Natalie is compassionate, passionate, intuitive, and connected. The group and connecting with these women has been absolutely amazing. I love love that Natalie has brought in experts in other fields- like the dating coach!

I wouldn't change anything about this program, and I'm most looking forward to my freedom, continuing to push against diet culture and fat phobia, and hopefully helping more people see the light.

This investment has been worth every penny- even with the crappy Canadian exchange rate ;)

If you're on the fence, know that you are worth the investment. If not now, then when?


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Natalie ZisesComment
Blaire B

I joined the Inner Circle because I frequently binged, overate and felt like I wanted to but couldn't control my relationship with food. I always connected every problem I ever had back to my body and my eating.

Now, I am a lot more intuitive! I don't binge uncontrollably anymore. Another VERY BIG WIN is that I can look at myself in the mirror and love what I see! I came to accept and internalize that I am, in fact, worthy of love, just the way I am - and it's not my fault if someone can't see that in me.

I feel so much more at ease. Plus, I realized that health is about so much more than just how our bodies look and what we eat!

Natalie's coaching is personal, kind, compassionate, to the point, and encouraging—just what I needed.

I feel included, I feel seen, and I definitely feel encouraged to keep going! Natalie is such a wise woman, her views and reflections always help, and I feel like I can turn to her any time, with any problem I have.

My favorite part of the program is the interactiveness! Natalie is active in the Facebook group as well as on Voxer (our group text chat), and so is everyone else from the community. I love that it's become a part of my life, and the time that food and body image thoughts used to take up are now taken up by this experience!

Most importantly, the program didn't only live up to my expectations, it exceeded them!


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Michael T

“After years of dieting and finally achieving diet "success," I realized weight loss diets weren’t the solution to my problem. I was in a "healthy" body and yet I was miserable. I still felt not good enough, spending so much mental energy planning and categorizing foods to make sure I maintained the weight loss. I knew there had to be a better way - a way I could make food choices that fulfilled me in all senses of the word.

Thanks to the work I've done with Natalie and the other members of the group, I feel SO much less anxious about making food choices and I'm more willing to love myself unconditionally. This program was the wake up call I needed. Natalie empowered me throughout the process, helping me see that I have the power to say goodbye to the diet mentality, freeing my mind up for more important things. The tools she provides throughout the course are so useful and have helped me make tremendous progress towards more ease and self love in my life.

I used to try to shrink myself (sucking it in) and I would criticize myself when I saw a picture or a reflection I didn't like. Now I actively look in the mirror and find many things beautiful about myself.

I'm so grateful!”

-Michael T

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Nancy M

Working with Natalie is one of the best investments that I’ve ever made. I no longer experience bingeing (which I was doing a lot, as part of my anxiety at the time I found her). I have never felt so free and satisfied around food in decades of dieting, restricting and elimination programs. I feel completely able to choose what foods I eat, and things I used to not be able to “keep around”, I can keep them in the house, and choose to eat them OR not eat them, without shame, guilt or fighting inside myself. I’m also able to enjoy all foods, really let myself have them, whether “healthy” or “forbidden”. So much satisfaction! As a coach, she is wise and encouraging, yet gentle at the same time. I learned so much from being in this group, it was life changing.

— Nancy M

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Natalie ZisesComment

“The Inner Circle is probably the best decision I ever made for my health and understanding what a healthy relationship with food and my body image could really look like. It also helps that the group of women in it with me are amazing and truly badass, and Natalie is so inspiring and supportive. I’ve never felt so understood in my life - you are NOT alone!”

— Tanya

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Natalie ZisesComment

“I don’t even know where to start... the FFB Inner Circle has been life changing to say the least. I spent years and years crippled with anxiety about food and body... always in fear of the next meal, worried about the next workout. Being exposed to the information that Natalie has put together (exceptionally so) has allowed me to feel freedom; a freedom I have not experienced in a very long time. I have started to enjoy my meals without judgement, if I feel triggered I have new tools to work through them and the compassion and understanding I have started to develop for myself and my diet trauma has been enlightening. When I started this journey with Natalie I thought it was all about food and body. But as time has gone by it is has turned out to be that and so much more. Through this work I have been able to address some life long struggles that aren’t just in the realm of food and body. I’m starting to see the world in a very different way and it has been mesmerizing. In a nutshell, I can’t say enough about how valuable this work is.... you are guided by a compassionate leader and surrounded by an incredible group of people who teach you so much through their stories; a part of a community that gives unconditional support. Thank you thank you thank you Natalie!!!”


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Natalie ZisesComment

“My biggest fear starting Natalie's program was facing my truth: that I needed help. I wish I started this work sooner! I’ve experienced so many break-throughs in just a few weeks, I don’t know where to begin. I have never been more awake to my surroundings and in tune with my mind and body. I now understand the root behind my binges and its ripple effect on other areas of my life. I feel so much more in control and the pressure I was carrying around with me for so many years is now off my shoulders. For the first time in a very long time, I truly believe and feel I am pretty damn amazing (inside and out). My life has taken a forever turn and I am excited for my future! Thank you so much Natalie!!”

-Emily M

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Natalie ZisesComment

“I signed up for BUWB because I wanted to change my eating patterns, lose weight, and not stuff food down my face, LOL! Through BUWB I've been able to discovery the beauty in me beyond outside appearance, and have so many new strategies to be mindful before I go straight to food in an impulsive way. I no longer think about food nearly as much and I'm able to LIVE my life and feel free and beautiful in moments I would have normally felt judgmental and ashamed.

I'm so looking forward to my new approach on life that feels long term and is a huge shift for how I view myself and the people around me.”


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Natalie ZisesComment

“I signed up for Break Up With Bingeing because I wanted to change my food habits. I was honestly anxious that it would feel like another failed diet. Natalie is the opposite of every dietitian experience I've ever had. Instead of rules, she offers suggestions. Instead of scales and calorie counts, she helps cultivate awareness and respect for the body's natural intelligence. Instead of regimens, she offers practices. I am better at recognising when I am judging myself, I can now ignore tasty food that I don't feel like eating (once practically impossible) and I can enjoy food that used to make me feel incredibly guilty (once completely impossible). I stood up to a family member who made me feel shamed about a food decision (instead of letting it slide because I believed I deserved it). Natalie helped me encourage compassion in me at moments when I was being too rigid with myself, my family or, in one case, towards my romantic partner. In general, I would say I started working with Natalie to "fix my food habits" and ended up embarking on a deeply personal, challenging and revelatory journey that I seriously did NOT see coming, and that I am incredibly grateful for. I'm still on that journey, but it's a lot more FUN than the habits prescribed to me by any dietitian or health article.”

— Noalee

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Natalie ZisesComment

“I signed up for Break Up With Bingeing because I wanted to finally feel comfortable around food and not feel ashamed of my eating habits. I was anxious because I was insure what I would uncover about my issues with food. I also honestly didn't expect to be able to change my habits. Through Natalie's honest, supportive, loving coaching, and her ability to hear what you are saying and give you the reality of what you are actually saying, I realized that there was and is nothing wrong with me. I'm able to listen and hear what my body tells me and now I actually comply. It was the best investment I made in myself. My favorite things about the program were the group, the calls, the 1:1 support, they all go hand in hand. I love knowing that I'm not the only one who feels certain things and goes through this alone.
After spending a lifetime on diets, knowing they don't work, but still doing them anyway, doing this program opened my eyes to the insanity of what I was living. It makes perfect sense and so completely easy to understand, as it should be. This program got me to uncover the real issues and realize food isn't the problem, it never was. Once I realized that, healing and enjoyment can begin. Thank u, thank u.”

- Vera

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Natalie ZisesComment

“ I wanted to take a moment to explain my experience so far in the BUWB program with Natalie. I’m not going to lie. It was hard to spend the money. So many things have failed me before and by investing even more time and money into what I had already assumed would be my next failure was .... a difficult decision. Ultimately I said well what the hell, I love Natalie and her energy and I’m worth the time and money. And I also thought wow my attitude must be worse than I thought if I was assuming failure before I even started !!!!!

So I did make the investment and I’m so glad I did. What you will get is not anything you have experienced before. I can’t stress that enough. This is not whatever you have done before so just wipe that thought away.

The thought of facing your own insecurities and “issues” is f’ing scary. But honestly with Natalie and the group it’s actually fun ! I know that sounds insane but it’s true. This shit has been fun. This shit has been eye opening. It has helped me see things that quite frankly I don’t know if I ever would have seen without it !!!

One other note is that this program is basically whatever you want to make of it . You will be given alllllll the guidance and tools but the work is yours to do. That also means you are in charge of what happens so to worry that you will “have to” face things you don’t want to face is not true. You will do allllll the work in your own time but with the tools and guidance provided in the 6 week program.

Well, this was longer and expected but that’s ok if anyone interested wants to talk to me personally about my experience then let Natalie know and I’ll be honored to chat with you!!”

- Melanie

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My favorite part of Break Up With Bingeing was learning new concepts and being exposed to completely new ways of thinking. Natalie is fun, sweet, relatable, caring, and REAL. She did a great job facilitating the group and really makes everyone feel welcome, heard and important. I'm walking away from these 6 weeks being kinder to myself and with a whole new relationship to ME!

- Anonymous

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"I signed up for BUWB because I've had a long struggle with food, restricting, bingeing, and eating normally. Through Natalie's warm, friendly, and engaging coaching, I learned how to intuitively eat and accept where I am right now, without always putting so much pressure on myself to change. I loved the community I got to be a part of and I am so looking forward to a life with freedom around food, no longer stuck in my old ways!"

- A.

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