Natalie Zises | Binge + Diet Recovery Coach

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Why you can't stop binge eating

Feeling out of control around food is one of the most common complaints I hear. 

“Oh those cookies are dangerous.”

“I can’t keep ice cream in the house.”

“Buffets are my worst nightmare.”

Sound familiar?

One of the coolest side effects of healing your diet trauma is this feeling gets to go away. I see most of my clients go through it by week 4 of my program.

So, how do we do it?

By identifying and combating your restriction and deprivation that go hand in hand with diet mentality. 

You see, when you believe that some foods are dangerous, meaning they’ll lead to weight gain, then you create an aura of scarcity around that food.

Scarcity means that you try to limit your intake, and, even if that attempt doesn’t actually result in you physically limiting it (because you binge on it every week), you feel emotionally limited because the minute after you “indulge” in it, you pledge to stay away. You feel guilty

Which creates scarcity in your brain around that food or food group. 

When we feel scarce around food (which comes from restriction either mental or physical), we inevitably feel “out of control” around that food.

Just like with other things in life. What happened with toilet paper in the beginning of quarantine? Right? It’s human nature to hoard things that are scarce.

So how do we combat binge eating? With abundance and legalization.

Create more opportunities in your daily life to enjoy these foods.

Read more about abundance and legalization in my blog post HERE.

If you're ready to seriously end your battle with food, read about Private Coaching HERE.