Natalie Zises | Binge + Diet Recovery Coach

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The Myth of the Diet

In my opinion, the most detrimental belief to our health in our society (especially for women) is the myth that we can (and should) be successful at dieting.

Now, I know what you’re going to say…”if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. It’s science!”

Yep, and we’re also not robots.

And your own dieting history will paint that picture clearly enough, if you take a minute to write it down.

TRY IT! Write down your answers to these questions and get real about your dieting experience:

What are the emotions you associate with dieting?

When have you really been “successful” on a diet? Is it something you can sustain for the rest of your life?

So what does long term success even look like for you?

These are important questions when seeking a long term happy and relaxing relationship with food and body.

The truth is, 99% of people who go on a diet for weight loss gain back the weight or more within 3 years.

99%. Not 10%. Not even 50%. 

Essentially, we KNOW that weight loss attempts through food control do. not. work.

Not only don’t they work, they come with a whole host of painful side effects. Fatigue, anxiety, hormone disruption, weight cycling (super hard on your heart), mental illness, etc etc. 

Dieting isn’t just ineffective, it’s harmful. 

But what do we do if we don’t diet? So many of us have been on diets for long periods of time, it can seem impossible to understand how to relate to food without them.

Great question.

Intuitive eating is a great tool to engage with when you want to begin a life free from dieting. (However it’s important to note that it is a TOOL to use, not the THING that will cure your bingeing, negative body image, or diet trauma).

If you’re curious to learn more about Intuitive Eating, check out the book “Intuitive Eating” by Evelyn Trebole.

If you're ready to seriously end your battle with food, read about private coaching here.

